How to install SSL for my domain at LightningBase?

Sites on LightningBase system have native support for https - a free cert is installed automatically.
Try accessing your site ( added and pointing to our server ) using https. ie;

To actually make the site use https in most situations, ie; to redirect all request to https,  there are a couple of options.

1. Best way is the manual setup, configuring WP, adding code to your .htaccess, and then resolving any outstanding mixed content errors. To do this:

      a. Configure WP:
          - Login to the WP Admin
          - Click Settings -> General
          - Edit both listed URL's to start with https://

      b. Test the site. If you don't see any problems, you can force https for all visitors, for that:
          - Open the site's .htaccess file
          - Add this code to the top of that file:

                         # BEGIN Redirect to https / SSL
                         RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
                         RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
                         # END Redirect to https / SSL

That is all that should be needed.

Note : Some WP sites, however, have links to images/etc hardcoded over http:// - if that is the case, you'll see a notice in the URL bar that the site isn't really secure because it is loading content over http.

You can use this plugin: to search for '' and replace with ''. For the vast majority of sites that fixes this issue.

2. The other option is to use a plugin, this one seems to be by far the most popular and generally works well:

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